Uber Everyday Giants

Agency – HarrimanSteel
Omni-Channel Campaign, OOH, TVC

During a turbulent time for many, Uber wanted to thank the heroes of 2020, the drivers who kept their business going. This was the beginning of an ongoing initiative for Uber to shift their current business behaviours and focus on how they listen and speak to their earners.

Researching what earners experience day to day, we uncovered endearing and selfless human stories. We decided to share these on a giant scale and make Uber’s earners Everyday Giants. The project grew launching globally in America and then in a focused campaign for the UK.

U.S TVC that showed driver Kristin’s story.

  • My role was to concept how Uber could say thank you to their earners and research the earners’ stories who featured in both the global and UK versions of the campaign.

  • I helped to create and deliver assets for OOH, Social media, and TVC.

  • Alongside creative lead Joe Kibria and I helped to develop the earners stories that would feature on Uber’s social channels. We wanted to replicate the feeling of reading a news story integrating a sense of natural movement through type and film.

My Roles

Social media posts saying thanks to multiple drivers across the US from their riders.

We launched the UK version of the campaign with Mufizur’s story.